
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Turning in Assignments in Google Classroom

**With recent updates to Classroom, this tutorial is no longer completely accurate. Please see my updated post showing Classroom from the teacher and student side.

Google Classroom has been quite popular with teachers in our district. That's no surprise, given its popularity everywhere! I love how easy it is for students and teachers to pick up the basics.

One problem we have is that students initially want to share their work with the teachers using the Share button. Many had been doing that for at least a year. Now that Google Classroom handles all the sharing automatically and organizes the folders, using the Share button can be a big inconvenience for the teacher.

I created a three minute tutorial that shows how to turn in work properly using Google Classroom. Everything is from the student's view, so this can be very helpful in class. Most teachers don't get to see the student side unless they're working with students, often after several have already made the mistake of sharing work incorrectly.

Besides addressing the Share and Turn In buttons, I also talk about the three ways in which the assignments are completed:

  • Accessing a document the teacher created for the student
  • Creating a new Google Docs, Slides or Sheets file
  • Attaching a file previously created 
Here's the video. I also have a link below to a tipsheet that sums it all up in one page.

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