
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Quotes and thoughts for teachers and leaders

At some point I started turning the things I say regularly at school and my more popular tweets into the little word posters we see plastered all over the internet and social media.  I compiled most of them here, each with a brief thought. 

Please feel free to share or use them as slides or images for presentations. A link to my blog or my profile on Twitter is appreciated. 

One variation on my "play or make something" routine...

the future belongs to those who use technology to create

Here are a few that sum up everything I'm learning from all my "teaching like an artist" thinking. 
stay inspired so you can inspire

stay inspired so you can inspire

Artists dream big and do what it takes to make the dream real. They are motivated by letting their ideas spread and they love to share the ideas with others. School needs more of these people!

teach like an artist

Too often we forget that technology allows us to connect and to do something big now. I know students don't think of it much. They are bombarded with free entertainment instead. The chance to do something big now is why I'm not big on talking about career planning or getting a high paying job someday. 

do something big or play - choose wisely everyday

Change happens a heart at a time and for school, those hearts will mostly be those of the teachers. Let them see us learning.
transform education one teacher at a time

transform education one teacher at a time

This picture that came to mind when I discovered the power of creativity in school. It has received a lot of attention in the years since.
standardized tests versus creativity in school

Technology integration doesn't mean there's a computer on in the room or even that a student is engaged in an activity at a computer. 

We don't often grade on the creativity and it's not on the list of learning objectives. That's fine, but that doesn't mean it's not important in all grades and subjects.
creativity in school is oil in the machine

This is the key to success I always taught my students. 
do your best at what's most important - key to success

It's no wonder the students get bored with school. We all are wired to learn so we can do. Focus on the doing and design it so learning happens. 
learn so we can do something real

This was my most tweeted thought ever. It would be displayed before a learning activity. I designed it for a session for teachers, but any secondary class might benefit from it. I wrote a lot more about it here
ready for learning activity

The only question that matters when working for success. 
big question for success obstacle or excuse

Don't forget it's not about the tools. Let students be amazed with what they can accomplish. 
amaze students with what they can create

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