
Thursday, December 30, 2021

Inspiring Reading and Writing With an Authentic Audience - Part 1

This is Part 1 of a three-part post. Click here to see Part 2 and Part 3.

Nicole Fazio is a middle school ELA teacher in our district. I teamed up with her for my Go Beyond Challenge, completing a project for her 6th grade Learning Through Literature class. We decided to improve upon a writing project we've done a couple times in in the past. It's a powerful activity, getting to the heart of what school, and maybe even our life stories, is really about.

It has multiple stages, so I'll break it down into manageable posts and share related resources in each.

The overall goal is to have older students write stories for younger students. The project accomplishes these goals:

  • It gives younger students a story to read that they are personally interested in.
  • Older students know someone is expecting a story from them, so they are generally very motivated.
  • The entire project is focused on an important life lesson that every student can benefit from.

We know this is a memorable activity for students, since this year our older group remembered the stories that were written for them when they were third graders. It was very encouraging to hear that! 

As for that important life lesson I referred to, we use Donald Miller's definition of "story". He says a story is a person who wants something and overcomes obstacles to get it. Here's how we use that in Part 1 of the project.

Introducing the Project to the Younger Students

I meet for about 15 - 20 minutes with the younger class as the first step in this process. Getting this opportunity, and sharing an opportunity with the class through it, is a highlight of my school year. This time it was a 5th grade group. I take them through a short presentation that covers this outline.

  1. I remind them of my role in the district (Instructional Tech) and how excited I am to see technology opening doors of opportunity for students.
  2. I tell them we are always working to improve an experimental project, and we need their help. It will involve older students writing stories for them.
  3. I share one example of a former student who followed her dream of writing. We featured her in a video a few years ago, so I have pictures of her working on her computer. There are always a few students who are familiar with her story, since this student's mother teaches in the district.
  4. I tell students that they all have gifts that they can use to help others. That's what school is about--discovering and using those gifts.
  5. I also talk about challenges we have to deal with. I get personal, with some examples of why I was afraid to go into teaching at one time. I share how my wife overcame abuse, eventually becoming a caring person who has been honored for her volunteer work. This gets pretty serious, but believe me, the class is with me at this point. (The ones who thought I was just the tech guy who fixed Chromebooks are usually surprised by my passion for learning and success.)
  6. At that point, I introduce a short survey they will fill out, so older students will have something to write about.

The Survey

I created this survey as a Google Form, but you could do it on paper fairly easily. Below are the questions I ask. This is a trimmed down list from what we used in the past, since we were trying to sharpen the focus for the writers in the next stage.

  1. Are you a boy or girl?
  2. What name would you like to have in the story? Think of a nickname instead of your real name.
  3. Who lives with you? (Please don't use names, just say things like, "My mom, 2 brothers and my grandma.") 
  4. What is your favorite activity when you have free time?
  5. What kind of stories do you like? You can pick more than one.
    • Exciting
    • Funny
    • Mystery
    • Spooky
    • Happy
    • Silly
  6. What is your gift that you could use to help other people? (If you aren't sure, you can write down a gift you'd like to use to help others.)
  7. What is one challenge or "wall" in your life that's hard?
Notice that we do not let them use their real names. I collect their Google account usernames with the Form, so I know who wrote each one. If you use a paper survey, I suggest having students identify themselves by a number. It's important for privacy that the older students have no way of knowing who the student is they're writing for.

The classroom teacher and I work with students if they have questions as they complete the survey. Afterward, I go through the responses and refer any to the teacher if they deal with serious issues. As you can imagine, students are open and some are facing very difficult challenges in life. I usually have to reword a few of them, so it doesn't seem to daunting for the older students who will be writing for them.

I use Autocrat to compile the responses into the format you see below. Those will be printed and handed out to the writers.

Continuing the Project and Thoughts on Learning

I'll explain how we kick this off for the older students in my next post. For now, I will just say this project started out amazing this time around. Then it turned into a bit of a nightmare! I almost abandoned it, with hopes of trying again in the next semester. A rise in quarantines and other issues in the district made it clear we were nowhere near "back to normal". Pushing through challenges was the theme of this project and very much our experience with it.

On that note, I want to return to the message I shared with the 5th graders:  They have a gift they need to use, and they'll have to overcome challenges to do it. I really believe that's the message we need to be telling students. It's what we have to help them do in our classes. Somehow school becomes way too much about standards. Maybe teachers would say that they know it's about the kids and their success, but I wonder if that's the message our students hear. 

Sure, there's an emphasis now on relationships. "They won't care how much we know until...." But what do we mean by relationships? Too often it looks like we're just trying to be everyone's friend. I suggest it's about getting close enough to our students to build trust, and knowing them enough to speak about their gifts and challenges. Students need to see school as being about their lives. Particularly, how it helps them identify strengths and succeed despite their obstacles.

That can make learning an exciting story they'll want to share.

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