
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Improved Google Sites Headings Using Slides

Recently I saw a teacher ask online about better font options in Google Sites. Actually I have always appreciated the limited fonts in sites, so students don't get "lost in fontland" looking for the perfect one among hundreds.

However, if you do want to spice up your headings, the video below shows one way to do it.

The short explanation is:

  • Design your headings using simple, attractive features in Google Slides. For example, Word Art, fill colors and drop shadows can really make your headings pop.
  • Copy the image from Slides and paste it into your Site. Copying the image from Slides will be different depending on the computer you're using. I put some information below about both those cases.

Snipping an image from the screen using different computers.
  • Windows Computer - As shown in my video, I recommend the Snipping Tool program.
  • Mac - you can snip part of the screen by holding shift+command and then pressing 4. That will allow you to draw a box around it as I show in the video. It saves automatically to the desktop of your Mac. Since it saves instead of copying, you need to upload it to your Site instead of just pasting it in, just like you would any other image.
  • Chromebook - The 6th key from the left in the top row of a Chromebook is needed for this shortcut. It's called the "show all windows" key. So if you press ctrl-shift-"show all windows", it will allow you to capture part of the screen much like what's shown in the video. You'll see a preview of the image appear in the lower right of the screen. Click the option to copy the image.