
Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Recording Audio and Adding It to Your Google Slides Presentation

It's a simple process to add audio to Google Slides presentations now. Students can use the feature for many things, including their narration on each slide. Here's a simple example I made to show how this might work.

While it's easy to add audio, there are at least three steps that students might need help with, especially when using Chromebooks. I made a document (at the link below) that will walk them through the process. It is intended to be useful for a variety of different classes and projects. 

Those three things they might need some help with (or reminders for) are:

  • How can you easily record the audio for the slides?
  • Don't forget you have to upload those audio files to Google Drive.
  • And if you share the Slides presentation, you also have to share those audio files with the same people.
All of those details and more are addressed in this one-page document. Feel free to share that document with others and edit as you like. Please keep the link to my blog at the top.

These tutorials are linked within the document:
  • A video tutorial for using Bear Audio Tool to record the files for each slide
  • A video with tips for how to add the audio files and be sure they play how you want them to (including how to upload them to Drive)
  • A brief explanation in the document of how to easily share the audio files so when someone presents them, they will play.

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