
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Inspiration - Kevin Honyecutt's tradigital approach to education

I was at an ed-tech conference in Detroit, Michigan, in March, 2011 when I aimlessly drifted into one packed session.  The speaker completely blew me away.  After spending the previous day in a series of workshops and presentations about technology and teaching, this guy reminded me that we are touching lives.  I left recharged, thinking about what I could accomplish back in my district.

The speaker was Kevin Honeycutt, a former art teacher who now travels across the country speaking to teachers about things like a "tradigital" approach to education and sharing his theories "unburdened by research".

This year I caught him again at MACUL in Grand Rapids.  I sat through three of his presentations and found him just as inspiring.  I was really happy to find out he would be addressing our school district just before school started this fall.

Kevin has a way of reminding teachers why they got into the job in the first place.  Since he can tell of the lives he has touched, he makes it feel possible that we can reach even the most difficult kids.  He uses tech tools in ways that enhance talents and unleashes imagination.  Most of my work on this blog that talks about creativity and passion stems from that first time I heard him speak in 2011.  My appreciation for his work has only increased since then.

Through stories and demonstrations (including his digital jams with GarageBand and his electric guitar) he kept the auditorium engaged for two and a half hours.  Since that afternoon I have had several teachers asking to try new things this year with the resources we have available.  Many told me it was the best tech PD we have had.  I'm looking forward to sustaining the momentum that he created.

If you're unfamiliar with his excellent work, check out his website.  He has a ton of resources there.  Here is his channel on YouTube.

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