
Wednesday, May 23, 2012 - Online Lessons for flipped teaching or just learning on your own

I was surprised that no one at a recent flipped teaching workshop had heard of  I came across the site at least a year ago and I've put a few lessons there myself.  I hope to do more in the weeks ahead.

Sophia is a combination of a social network and a lesson repository.  The learning "packets" are categorized and rated by users, so ideally you'd be able to search for any topic and find a variety lessons for it.

I suggest any teachers who are flipping their classroom should put their lessons on Sophia in addition to where they post them for their classes.  It could be a great place to develop a following or to get feedback from other teachers and learners.

My few tutorials are posted on this page at the site.  I tried to break free from the very academic lessons I was finding by posting my lessons from here on how to make games.

When I first stumbled on Sophia I thought it sounded exactly like the vision of learning described in Disrupting Class.  I loved the book and was excited to see the predictions in it coming to life.  I soon learned it was created by one of the authors of that book, making it a little less surprising.  I have remained hopeful nonetheless.  (Though I'm never motivated by accumulating little icons.)  The fact that no one had heard of it at the workshop wasn't encouraging, but I still think it has potential and I will continue to support it.

Check it out first by searching for something you'd like to learn.  I would love to hear if you find it useful.  Next, think of how you could present your favorite thing to teach.

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