
Saturday, March 10, 2012

MACUL 2012

This week I attended both days of the MACUL conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I have a lot of notes to sift through and a ton to ponder about the leadership topics that I encountered, but I also am supposed to be finishing the district technology plan this weekend. I shouldn't even be typing this short blog post at the moment!

I will just mention these two things:

  • I started the convention in Jim Peterson's session on Creating a Culture of Learning.  I decided I didn't care about tech tools.  I wanted to hear about leadership and professional development.  Jim's talk was a good start and it is worth clicking through the presentation posted at the link.
  • I was looking forward to Kevin Honeycutt's keynote presentation all week.  Somehow I missed it that he was speaking two hours after that as well.  So my entire conference experience for the day was spent in his sessions.  He is inspiring and that's what I needed.  Last year when I heard him, he had some repetition from session to session, but this year each one was mostly new.  If you are unfamiliar with his work, you absolutely must check out his site.  He's doing almost everything I hope to accomplish as an educator.
Because I only listened to Kevin on Friday I missed some interesting topics, at least based on the information in the conference booklet.  I will be going through the speaker handouts posted to the site this week to catch up on those and others.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for coming to my session and blogging about it. Feel free to share the link with anyone, and if you need help explaining it I would be happy to write more.
